How to calculate the number of solar panels you need for 4 bedroom house?
The best way to calculate how many solar panels you need is to look at your electric bill every month, to see how many kwh you buy in one month.
You can see that my usage drops significantly from August 2013 to August 2014, as well as from July to August in 2014. We went wait every weekend in August 2014 and turn the ac off. We're gone.
Saving us $85 from the previous year. Unfortunately, we went away for a week that July and forgot to turn off the air conditioner. It stayed on high cooling an empty house all week.
You can see that's the highest usage of 13 months and was completely preventable. That mistake cost me about $160.

In November, we switched the mini split from ac mode to heating mode, to delay, turning on our oil heat, bringing our electric usage back up, cost an extra hundred thirty five dollars to heat the house for the electricity that month, but saved us at least that much on our oil bill. By December, it was too cold for the heat pump to work.
So we turned it off and turn on the oil, dropping our electric use. You see, even in the same house with the same people, behavior changes the electrical use dramatically. It's changing the answer to the original question.
How much solar do I need to power my house? I recommend you look at your monthly usage and analyze it. What was your big energy user each month and could change the behavior, reduce it.
Once you understand your electric use, then you can start to figure out how much solar you need.
Our average use is 1,500 kilowatt hours a month. I use that number in our angry calculator and decide to see what would take to make all of our power with sword, letting us down to zero.
That would require around 13,000 watt or 13 kilowatt solar system for my area around 50 solar panels.