You can check here to see the warranty condition.
For solar panel, we usually common seen below place:
If you try to make the solar panel generate power full achieve cost savings, It's better to put some time aside and carefully analyze and determine the right location for your solar panels. The best place to install solar panel depends on the position and the sun direction.
If you are living on the equator , better to place the solar panel on the ground directly. As a horizontal panel at 90 degrees would have the sun directly above at all times.
And the solar panel should be away from tree or other shade, to make sure the solar panel enjoy all day sunshine.
Click here to know how to install solar power system for home.
2. Do you know the difference between MPPT and PWM solar charge controller?
3.Inverter power- Do you know how to read the inverter data sheet?
4.Battery bank what you should be aware.
5.Installation for the system how to install solar power system for home.
If you have any questions or off grid solar power system tips to share, please get in touch at